
Emojis Are you misusing them?

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emojis are you misusing them
Emojis Are you misusing them?

Emoji is the world’s fastest growing language, with millions of people now using the tiny pictures within social media to express themselves in text form, alongside words. The Mirror published this article showing our emoji habits and how there are visible divides across professions. It also explains how we may be misusing them – are you? Click here to take the test.

Over six billion emojis are sent around the world every day on messaging apps alone, according to Swyft Media, but what do your emoji habits say about you?

Across age, gender, and location the top five emojis varied very little (happy face, laughing face, thumbs up, kissing face and pleased face), but when looking at data split by profession, there were visible divides.

Artists revealed themselves to be an expressive or “emoji-nal” bunch, with the masked face, face palm and broken heart all most-used – far beyond any other profession.

By contrast, doctors highlighted their need for sleep by excessive use of the weary and sleep face emojis – though teachers weren’t far behind.

emoji usage graphic

Article from The Mirror

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